This Game's Tips of all Event Participants: 2011 - Rugby World Cup

This Game's Tips of all Event Participants

Effective result of this game:

versus France
12 : 19
Game created:
2011-07-31 12:03:03 UTC, by: Fra...
Game last modified:
2011-10-09 10:11:49 UTC, by: Fra...

The Participant's Alias. Participant
Tips are sorted ascending by PARTICIPANT / TIPSTER-POOL
The Tipster-Pool's name. Pool The Tip placed for this Game. Tip
sort Tips ascending by TIP
The Points received. Points
go to this Participant. Ath... go to this Tipster-Pool. 3.10 28 : 31 4
go to this Participant. Car... go to this Tipster-Pool. 3.10 27 : 11 0
go to this Participant. Cor... go to this Tipster-Pool. 3.10 24 : 29 4
go to this Participant. Dan... go to this Tipster-Pool. Dan's Best Guessers -  
go to this Participant. Dan... go to this Tipster-Pool. 3.10 28 : 24 0
go to this Participant. Dan... go to this Tipster-Pool. Dan's Best Guessers 28 : 24 0
go to this Participant. Dan... go to this Tipster-Pool. Dan's Best Guessers 43 : 39 0
go to this Participant. Dee... go to this Tipster-Pool. Datacraft - 0
go to this Participant. Ern... go to this Tipster-Pool. The Haka Tipping Group - 0
go to this Participant. Fra... go to this Tipster-Pool. Dan's Best Guessers 16 : 14 0
go to this Participant. Fra... go to this Tipster-Pool. Datacraft 22 : 20 0
go to this Participant. Fra... go to this Tipster-Pool. PriceMe 28 : 16 0
go to this Participant. Mon... go to this Tipster-Pool. Dan's Best Guessers - 0
go to this Participant. Sha... go to this Tipster-Pool. Datacraft - 0
go to this Participant. Urs... go to this Tipster-Pool. 3.10 - 0
go to this Participant. Wen... go to this Tipster-Pool. PriceMe - 0
go to this Participant. Zou... go to this Tipster-Pool. PriceMe - 0


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