
Explanation of Terms

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Each glossary entry describes what it is being used for and what relationship it has to other entries. Some entries offer a list of 'How to' that describes what you can do with the entry and how to do that.
The entries are ordered in a non-alphabetical, more hierarchycal manner. Information re. Sign-in, Enrollment or self administration can be found in the Rules of TipTool.
Note: if you are an Administrator, the Glossary will display more information relevant to you once you are signed in to TipTool.



a Tournament in TipTool represents a sports Tournament where different Teams are playing against each other in a cup-system tournament. Hence, a Champion-Tip is expected at the beginning of the Tournament.
Tournaments are provided by the Master Administrator. Should you miss a Tournament that may make sense in TipTool, please contact the administrator.Please note that a Tournament's name should not be changed once it is added to TipTool to prevent confusion.
a Tournament is being administered by its Tournament-Administrator or temporarily by its deputy for as long as the Tournament's End Date is not met:

How to ? Explanation
view a Tournament: click the homepage's or Table of Tournament's Tournament-link.


A Team is the name of the nation taking part in the Tournament. Teams are being provided by the Master Administrator. Should you miss a Team that may make sense in TipTool, please contact the administrator. Please note that a Team's name should not be changed once it is added to TipTool to prevent confusion.
Two Teams are required to be attached against a Game.


A Game is formed by the combination of one Team meeting another Team in a Round/Stage of an Tournament. The Game provides all necessary details for a Tip.
Games are attached against an Tournament by the Tournament-Administrator and then further maintained.

How to ? Explanation
view Game details: click the Table of Tournament's Tournament-link. Provided that any Game is attached against the Tournament, you will see the attached Games' details.


A Pool is the basis to build a Tipster-Pool. It is being administered by a Pool Administrator or temporarily by its deputy.
Pools are provided by the Master Administrator or can be setup by yourself using a guided tour. Should you feel uncomfortable to participate in any of the existing Tipster-Pool in TipTool, please start the guided tour 'Setup my Pool' to get your own Pool. Please note that a Pool's name should not be changed once it is added to TipTool to prevent confusion.
The Pool can then be attached against an Tournament to become a Tipster-Pool.


A Tipster-Pool is formed when a Pool is being attached against an Tournament. Example: Pool X can be attached against Tournament 1 and Tournament 2, forming two different Tipster-Pools, say X1 and X2 from a technical point of view. The displayed Pool name is the same troughout TipTool.

How to ? Explanation
view Tipster-Pool: Click the Table of Tournament's Tipster-Pool link (TipTool Tournament Tipster-Pool) or click the link on the Tournament page displayed. You will see the Pool's details.
invite a User to a Tipster-Pool: invite to Tipster-Pool Click this button on the Tipster-Pool page to get to the appropriate input form to invite someone to the Tipster-Pool, select a User from the dropdown provided or provide e-mail address and invite. Please note that you can only invite to Tipster-Pools you're participating in yourself.


A User is formed when you enroll to TipTool. The User-ID and Password are known to you for sign in purposes. The Alias is being displayed throughout TipTool - wherever you participate.

How to ? Explanation
add yourself as a new User: click the 'Sign in' navigation tab, that takes you to the Sign-in-mask. There you'll find the Register-link. Click it, provide details and save.


A Participant is formed when a User is being attached against a Tipster-Pool. Example: User 123 can be attached against Tipster-Pool X1 and X2 forming two different Participants, say 123X1 and 123X2 from a technical point of view. As a user of TipTool, you will see these Participants named with the User's Alias in different Tipster-Pools.
To become a Participant of a Tipster-Pool simply sign in and attach yourself to the Tipster-Pool intended. The newly created Participant may be locked initially to prevent junk-Participants.
Once the Pool-Administrator unlocks the new Participant, it will be ready for use.

How to ? Explanation
view Participants: Click the Table of Tournament's Participant Pool-link (TipTool Tournament Tipster-Pool Participant) or click the Participant on the Tipster-Pool page.
add yourself as a Participant: add yourself Click this button on the top right of the Tipster-Pool page. This button is only being displayed if you ar signed in to TipTool and not a Participant of the Tipster-Pool in question. After having added yourself to the Tipster-Pool, the button will disappear while your Alias will be added to the Participants' list of the Tipster-Pool.


A Tip is provided by a Participant as to what the expected outcome of a Game will be. A Tip is only editable for the eligible Participant before the Tip Deadline is met.

How to ? Explanation
view your Tips: Once you are signed in to TipTool, you will see the link(s) * My Tips * in the Table of Tournaments (Tournament Tipster-Pool * My Tips *). Simply click on this link to get to your Tips instantly. You will not see any Tips before empty ones were created. Should your list of Tips be empty, please contact the Tournament-administrator in charge to have them created.
view Tips of any Participant: Click the Table of Tournament's Participant-link (Tournament - Tipster-Pool - Participant). You may also click on the Alias on the Tipster-Pool page to see this Participant's Tips in detail.
edit your Tips: Navigate to your Tips. Click the link with the Adversaries (Team 1 - Team 2) of the Game intended to get to the appropriate input form. Provide your expected outcome of the Game there and save.
BEWARE: This link is available only before the Tip Deadline is met - there is no chance to edit a Tip after its Deadline !


A Champion-Tip is provided by a Participant as to what Team will be the expected Champion at the Tournament very end.
BEWARE: you are allowed to provide or edit your Champion-Tip only before the Tournament-Deadline passes. Provide your Champion-Tip first !

How to ? Explanation
view your Champion-Tip: Once you are signed in to TipTool, you will see the link(s) * My Tips * in the Table of Tournaments (Tournament Tipster-Pool * My Tips *). Simply click on this link to get to your Tips instantly - to the bottom of the page you'll find your Champion Tip. You will not see any Champion Tip before an empty one was created. Should your Champion Tip be empty, please contact the Tournament-administrator in charge to have them created.
view Champion-Tip of any Participant: Click the Table of Tournament's Participant-link (Tournament - Tipster-Pool - Participant). You may also click on the Alias on the Tipster-Pool page to see this Participant's Champion Tip to the bottom of the page.
edit your Champion-Tip: Navigate to your Tips and scroll to the page bottom to see you Champion Tip. Click the link below 'Champion Tip' to get to the appropriate input form, select the Team you expect to become champion there and save.
BEWARE: This link is available only before the Tournament-Deadline is met - there is no chance to provide or edit a Champion-Tip after the Tournament-Deadline !

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